Hi! How’s it goin’?!

¡¿Buenos días, que tal?!

Gemini / ENFP-T

Argentine, but can’t roll my R’s

Carpool Karaoke Champion

Welcome to my brain! Watch your step, it’s cluttered in here, but I swear I’m on to something!

Record scratch, you may be wondering how I got here! Since my backpacks were bigger than me, I would find the closest camera, and take pictures. I am a mosaic of all my loved ones. And one of the best gifts I have received, my mother’s eye.

I have been following my creative muses since, leading me to pursue a degree in Advertising at the University of Oregon with a minor in Multimedia Design.

When I’m not creating, I’m looking for inspiration in lyrics, nature, and my showerhead. Wherever I go, I love connecting with my peers, and for some reason, it doesn’t matter who, I can find common ground! Must be my air sign I guess.

I’m a big believer in getting your ideas away from you. Write them down, sketch them out, and talk to others about them. The good ones will find their way back! (You should see my notes app!)

I love good people, good food, and better drinks! Let’s play hard and get to working harder!

Puget Sound, 06/14/2013 (10 years old)

Puget Sound, 06/14/2013 (10 years old)